Kind words and Success Stories

Keri Delaware

Our son began Barton with Mrs Van in Dec 2021, he was 8 years old and in the third grade. At the time he had a new Dyslexia diagnosis and we were completely lost.

From the first morning, Mrs Van stepped in with a smile and calm demeanor that instantly took the weight off my shoulders and made it so our son enjoyed learning to read. She brings her years of experience to teach Barton with fidelity.

Mrs Van is a true partner in the education journey. I love reading the lesson notes she sends, it keeps me updated on how he is doing with Barton. She has taken our once tearful child and worked with him through his anxiety to help him develop a love for reading.

Grace California

Thank you so much for teaching Esther writing all these years. I forgot how many years you have taught Esther! (it was 6 years) You are always so gentle, warm, calm and encouraging. You have been a great support and resource for both Esther and I. I thank God for having had you in our lives these past years.  We will definitely miss seeing you on a weekly basis.

Rebecca Saudi Arabia

Working with Kathleen as my children’s editor has enhanced our IEW learning experience. Her guidance and feedback has allowed us to grow in our understanding of the written word and feel confident that we are completing the writing tasks to the required standard. My children feel proud of their work

Ken The next room

I have had the privilege of watching behind the scenes as Kathleen, transformed dozens of students by the impact she has made on their communication skills. From the very beginning, she uses her gifts learn who they are and their interests. She uses these little secrets to magically connect with them and keep them engaged with the process. It often seems that each student will have tough moments in their learning experience. I know from watching that that just means that there is a breakthrough on the other side as Kathleen focuses on their needs and all the tools she has at her disposal to help them through.